Let's work together to get you access to the pleasure you deserve!

Let's work together to get you access to the pleasure you deserve!

Let's get started...

If you're feeling sexually unfulfilled, mentally blocked, or simply want to explore a deeper connection with yourself, booking a free consultation could be a life-changing decision!

You are in the right place, if you want to...

  • Discover your authentic desire

  • Get tools to start honoring your body

  • Bring more pleasure into your life

  • Communicate your sexual needs and desires with confidence

  • Feel better about yourself and your body

  • Experience more in intimacy and sensuality with yourself and your partner

  • Have an authentic relationship with pleasure

Unsure if you need my help or trying to contact me?

Check out FAQs below!

Let's get started...

If you're feeling sexually unfulfilled, mentally blocked, or simply want to explore a deeper connection with yourself, booking a free consultation could be a life-changing decision!

You are in the right place, if you want to...

  • Discover your authentic desire

  • Get tools to start honoring your body

  • Bring more pleasure into your life

  • Communicate your sexual needs and desires with confidence

  • Feel better about yourself and your body

  • Experience more in intimacy and sensuality with yourself and your partner

  • Have an authentic relationship with pleasure

Unsure if you need my help or trying to contact me?

Check out FAQs below!

I understand your hesitation...

Talking to a stranger about your sexual desires and challenges can be intimidating, vulnerable, and scary.

As a Sex & Intimacy Coach, I understand that taking that first step can be challenging, but I want to assure you that the decision you're making is a brave and empowering one. By opening up to someone who is trained to support you in this way, you create the space needed for growth, healing and transformation within yourself.

When you learn to listen to your body's wisdom with curiosity and compassion, you open up a world of possibilities for pleasure and intimacy in all areas of your life, not just sex.

As we work together, I'll create a safe and playful space where you can explore ideas, concepts, toys, fantasies, and anywhere else your authentic desire takes you - beyond the limitations of performance or orgasm. Together, we'll develop practical tools to help you manifest more pleasure, joy, and connection in your life. If you're ready to take the next step on your journey, I'm here to support you all the way!

"After you take the first step, it becomes a little less uncomfortable and then a little more comfortable, and now it's not a big deal at all. It's just like how anything else works."

-Former Client

I understand your hesitation...

Talking to a stranger about your sexual desires and challenges can be intimidating, vulnerable, and scary.

As a Sex & Intimacy Coach, I understand that taking that first step can be challenging, but I want to assure you that the decision you're making is a brave and empowering one. By opening up to someone who is trained to support you in this way, you create the space needed for growth, healing and transformation within yourself.

When you learn to listen to your body's wisdom with curiosity and compassion, you open up a world of possibilities for pleasure and intimacy in all areas of your life, not just sex.

As we work together, I'll create a safe and playful space where you can explore ideas, concepts, toys, fantasies, and anywhere else your authentic desire takes you - beyond the limitations of performance or orgasm. Together, we'll develop practical tools to help you manifest more pleasure, joy, and connection in your life. If you're ready to take the next step on your journey, I'm here to support you all the way!

"After you take the first step, it becomes a little less uncomfortable and then a little more comfortable, and now it's not a big deal at all. It's just like how anything else works."

-Former Client

Transform the "taboo" into life-long authentic pleasure

Sex, intimacy, pleasure, and desire are natural and beautiful parts of the human experience, yet so often they are shrouded in secrecy and shame. As a Sex & Intimacy Coach, I've seen firsthand how this can lead to feelings of isolation, frustration, self-hate, and harmfully impacting our society's physical and mental health.

This is why I'm on a mission to create a safe and supportive spaces where people can talk openly and honestly about these importance topics. Saying words out loud can often be the first step in healing and understanding the self.

I believe that everyone deserves to have access to their authentic desires and agency of their own body.

That's why I offer FREE 30-minute Pleasure Awakening Sessions! These consultations are designed to be the first step in your sexual liberation or simply act as a safe place for you to speak openly about your sexual experiences and desires.

Transform the "taboo" into life-long authentic pleasure

Sex, intimacy, pleasure, and desire are natural and beautiful parts of the human experience, yet so often they are shrouded in secrecy and shame. As a Sex & Intimacy Coach, I've seen firsthand how this can lead to feelings of isolation, frustration, self-hate, and harmfully impacting our society's physical and mental health.

This is why I'm on a mission to create a safe and supportive spaces where people can talk openly and honestly about these importance topics. Saying words out loud can often be the first step in healing and understanding the self.

I believe that everyone deserves to have access to their authentic desires and agency of their own body.

That's why I offer FREE 30-minute Pleasure Awakening Sessions! These consultations are designed to be the first step in your sexual liberation or simply act as a safe place for you to speak openly about your sexual experiences and desires.

Frequently Asked Questions

What exactly is Sex & Intimacy Coaching?

Similar to other forms of coaching, sex and intimacy coaching focuses on getting you from where you are currently to where you want to be in the future. The focuses involved in this type of coaching can be a huge variety as human sexuality is so beautifully vast and unique. Some areas of coaching can be focused in sex, intimacy, self-love, arousal, pleasure, introducing and learning about sex toys, learning how to receive, practicing communication skills, and more! It is very common to discover that the root of sexuality challenges have nothing to do with sex, itself.

I often include a variety of sex education throughout my coaching sessions with clients and workshops. It is very common that many adults do not understand how their bodies/genitals work and so I provide factual information, so that they can become the experts of their own bodies!

Is a Sex Coach the same as a Sex Therapist?

Actually, no! Sex Therapists require additional credentials and is a federally regulated profession. To become a Sex Coach, I was required to go through so many hours of sexology education and supervised coaching. Since my certification, I have added many other trainings and workshops to my portfolio, so that I continue to show up as the best version of myself for those that I serve. Go to the "Meet Aubrey" page to learn more specifically about my background and credentials.

There are some modalities that are used in both coaching and therapy, but the main difference is that coaching is focused on the present and future; whereas, therapy can sometimes involve deep discussion regarding past or childhood trauma. During our coaching sessions, we will dive into some past experiences, but will always bring it back to the present!

What does the process look like?

It's super easy! Once you book a Pleasure Awakening Session, we hop on Zoom and discuss exactly what you want to work on and why it's important to you. If we both decide that we want to more forward - and if I decide that I'm qualified to uniquely support you - then we'll choose the right package for you and get started!

If we are not a fit for each other, I have access to a large sex coaching community and can provide introductions or referrals.

Does it include touching of any kind?

No, it doesn't. There are some sex coaching modalities that do include touching, and that is perfectly okay! However, I do not engage in touch with my 1:1 clients at this time - this is mostly due to the style of our session being through Zoom.

The only touching that I may encourage is you touching yourself in loving ways!

What forms of sexual expression are you not coaching at this time?

While I accept many forms of sexual expression, there are some things that I don't coach at this time. These include blood play, catheter play, piercing play, and some other forms of sensation play. Again, I completely support you expressing yourself in these ways and encourage you to find the edges of your sexual desire! I am also more than happy to refer you to a sex coach more suited for you!

How long does it take?

It depends. Though, for everyone I've worked with so far, it has taken more than one session. This is why I require new clients to book one of my coaching packages or enroll in my coaching program, Awaken Your Desire. For some of my clients, they only need 3-4 sessions and with others, we've been together for much longer. It all depends on what you are working on, and most importantly, how you prioritize your own efforts and growth. Transformation doesn't happen over night!

Often times when you level up in certain ways in life, other opportunities present themselves that you've not experienced or prepared for. My private coaching clients can stay with me as long as they feel they need support. When I've hired coaches, I've worked with some for a few months and others for years.

Frequently Asked Questions

What exactly is Sex & Intimacy Coaching?

Similar to other forms of coaching, sex and intimacy coaching focuses on getting you from where you are currently to where you want to be in the future. The focuses involved in this type of coaching can be a huge variety as human sexuality is so beautifully vast and unique. Some areas of coaching can be focused in sex, intimacy, self-love, arousal, pleasure, introducing and learning about sex toys, learning how to receive, practicing communication skills, and more! It is very common to discover that the root of sexuality challenges have nothing to do with sex, itself.

I often include a variety of sex education throughout my coaching sessions with clients and workshops. It is very common that many adults do not understand how their bodies/genitals work and so I provide factual information, so that they can become the experts of their own bodies!

Is a Sex Coach the same as a Sex Therapist?

Actually, no! Sex Therapists require additional credentials and is a federally regulated profession. To become a Sex Coach, I was required to go through so many hours of sexology education and supervised coaching. Since my certification, I have added many other trainings and workshops to my portfolio, so that I continue to show up as the best version of myself for those that I serve. Go to the "Meet Aubrey" page to learn more specifically about my background and credentials.

There are some modalities that are used in both coaching and therapy, but the main difference is that coaching is focused on the present and future; whereas, therapy can sometimes involve deep discussion regarding past or childhood trauma. During our coaching sessions, we will dive into some past experiences, but will always bring it back to the present!

What does the process look like?

It's super easy! Once you book a Pleasure Awakening Session, we hop on Zoom and discuss exactly what you want to work on and why it's important to you. If we both decide that we want to more forward - and if I decide that I'm qualified to uniquely support you - then we'll choose the right package for you and get started!

If we are not a fit for each other, I have access to a large sex coaching community and can provide introductions or referrals.

Does it include touching of any kind?

No, it doesn't. There are some sex coaching modalities that do include touching, and that is perfectly okay! However, I do not engage in touch with my 1:1 clients at this time - this is mostly due to the style of our session being through Zoom.

The only touching that I may encourage is you touching yourself in loving ways!

What forms of sexual expression are you not coaching at this time?

While I accept many forms of sexual expression, there are some things that I don't coach at this time. These include blood play, catheter play, piercing play, and some other forms of sensation play. Again, I completely support you expressing yourself in these ways and encourage you to find the edges of your sexual desire! I am also more than happy to refer you to a sex coach more suited for you!

How long does it take?

It depends. Though, for everyone I've worked with so far, it has taken more than one session. This is why I require new clients to book one of my coaching packages or enroll in my coaching program, Awaken Your Desire. For some of my clients, they only need 3-4 sessions and with others, we've been together for much longer. It all depends on what you are working on, and most importantly, how you prioritize your own efforts and growth. Transformation doesn't happen over night!

Often times when you level up in certain ways in life, other opportunities present themselves that you've not experienced or prepared for. My private coaching clients can stay with me as long as they feel they need support. When I've hired coaches, I've worked with some for a few months and others for years.

Book your free call and speak your way to freedom!

Book your Pleasure Awakening Session - a FREE, 30-minute call with me!

My greatest gifts are the gift of empathy and listening - not just to what you’re saying, but also everything you’re not. I ask effective questions and give you space to think and process. This call can be centered around you sharing your sexual experiences out loud...maybe that's all you need?

Does all the change happen on this call? Not at all. But it's a great first step in speaking about your real and authentic experience or desires out loud. It also can be very healing and often is the first step towards sexual freedom.

Book your free Pleasure Awakening Session with me, so that you can heal yourself.

Book your free call and speak your way to freedom!

Book your Pleasure Awakening Session - a FREE, 30-minute call with me!

My greatest gifts are the gift of empathy and listening - not just to what you’re saying, but also everything you’re not. I ask effective questions and give you space to think and process. This call can be centered around you sharing your sexual experiences out loud...maybe that's all you need?

Does all the change happen on this call? Not at all. But it's a great first step in speaking about your real and authentic experience or desires out loud. It also can be very healing and often is the first step towards sexual freedom.


Book your free Pleasure Awakening Session with me, so that you can heal yourself.

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