Pleasure Roots is a personalized, holistic coaching practice designed to empower women to discover and explore their true desires, so that they can have deeply pleasurable sexual experiences. Are you ready to unlock your inner desires and experience the transformative power of pleasure?

Come work with me.

Pleasure Roots is a personalized, holistic coaching practice designed to empower women to discover and explore their authentic sexual de16sires, so that they can communicate them with confidence.

Who do I serve?

Women (Single)

I'll guide you toward connecting with your desires, so that you can give your body the pleasure it deserves.

Women (In Relationships)

I'll teach you how to communicate your sexual needs, so that you can have deeper intimacy and more authentic connection.

Who do I serve?

Women (Single)

I'll guide you toward connecting with your desires, so that you can give your body the pleasure it deserves.

Women (In Relationships)

I'll teach you how to communicate your sexual needs, so that you can have deeper intimacy and more authentic connection.

What is Sex & Intimacy Coaching?

This is how it works.

"...most people thought their problem was about sex, and it rarely was. More often it was a problem with knowing how to relax, how to attend to their sensation, or how to respect and accept their desires. They had trouble knowing how to be vulnerable, playful, or generous, or how to set limits. They had trouble receiving...and trouble giving...Because difficulty with these things feels so normal, people often didn't notice them until sex was involved."

-Betty Martin, Wheel of Consent

Sex and Intimacy Coaching doesn't always revolve around "sex" - usually it goes deeper. I use inspiration from a variety of sex educators (Betty Dodson, Betty Martin, Emily Nagoski, Alfred Kinsey, etc.), my own book (see right), reflective writing, and a variety of somatic exercises to aid you in exploring the depths of your desire. While working with me, you will...

  • Gain new insights about your sexuality

  • Deeply understand your inner stories about sex/pleasure

  • identify your sexual needs and desires

  • Co-create at-home exercises, so that you can access your body's wisdom

I will appropriately challenge you to move past self-limiting beliefs and listen to you without judgment. All of our conversations are kept confidential and I will often remind you of the power of your choice.

What is Sex & Intimacy Coaching?

This is how it works.

"...most people thought their problem was about sex, and it rarely was. More often it was a problem with knowing how to relax, how to attend to their sensation, or how to respect and accept their desires. They had trouble knowing how to be vulnerable, playful, or generous, or how to set limits. They had trouble receiving...and trouble giving...Because difficulty with these things feels so normal, people often didn't notice them until sex was involved."

-Betty Martin, Wheel of Consent

Sex and Intimacy Coaching doesn't always revolve around "sex" - usually it goes deeper. I use inspiration from a variety of sex educators (Betty Dodson, Betty Martin, Emily Nagoski, Alfred Kinsey, etc.), my own book (see below), reflective writing, and a variety of somatic exercises to aid you in exploring the depths of your desire. While working with me, you will...

  • Gain new insights about your sexuality

  • Deeply understand your inner stories about sex/pleasure

  • identify your sexual needs and desires

  • Co-create at-home exercises, so that you can access your body's wisdom

I will appropriately challenge you to move past self-limiting beliefs and listen to you without judgment. All of our conversations are kept confidential and I will often remind you of the power of your choice.

You may want to work with me if...

You want less...

  • Sexual frustration

  • Negative self-talk

  • Performance anxiety

  • Fake orgasms

  • Confusion about what you want

And more...

  • Sexual freedom

  • Self-acceptance (body and desires)

  • Sexual playfulness and pleasure

  • Honest and open communication

  • Delicious clarity about what you want

You may want to work with me if...

You want less...

  • Sexual frustration

  • Negative self-talk

  • Performance anxiety

  • Fake orgasms

  • Confusion about what you want

And more...

  • Sexual freedom

  • Self-acceptance (body and desires)

  • Sexual playfulness and pleasure

  • Honest and open communication

  • Delicious clarity about what you want

What's the first step? How do I work with a Sex Coach?

Book your Pleasure Awakening Session - a FREE, 30-minute call with me!

My greatest gifts are the gift of empathy and listening - not just to what you’re saying, but also everything you’re not. I also provide a sense of comfort, trust and worthiness within my clients. This call is to get to know each other and discover if we are a good fit for one another!

Book your free Pleasure Awakening Session to unlock the pleasure that lives within you!

What's the first step?

Book your Pleasure Awakening Session - a FREE, 30-minute call with me!

My greatest gifts are the gift of empathy and listening - not just to what you’re saying, but also everything you’re not. I also provide a sense of comfort, trust and worthiness within my clients. This call is to get to know each other and discover if we are a good fit for one another!


Book your free Pleasure Awakening Session to unlock the pleasure that lives within you!

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Want to stay up to date on Pleasure Roots? Join the mailing list!